PhD student Carla Arca wins the Student Speech Contest at LIX Congreso Nacional de la SECV

Jun 18, 2024

PhD student Carla Arca, co-directed by Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra and Dr. María Godoy-Gallardo, wins the Student Speech Contest of the LIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (SECV 2024), held in Zaragoza from June 11th to 14th, 2024.

PhD student Carla Arca, co-directed by Prof. Maria-Pau Ginebra and Dr. María Godoy-Gallardo is the winner of the Student Speech Contest, held on June 11th in the scope of the LIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (SECV 2024) in Zaragoza (Spain).

Carla presented results derived from her doctoral thesis, in particular she talked about how to adapt the nanotopography and antibacterial properties of her materials, through the incorporation of fluoride in calcium phosphate. 

This contest takes place every two years, during the National Conference of the SECV, and serves to select the Spanish representative in the Student Speech Contest of the European Ceramic Society Conference. The jury particularly values ​​the mastery of the topic presented by the student, her maturity, communication skills and the quality of the audiovisual material presented.